mrs. HOMEmaker
Friday, October 1, 2010
paella lessons from Chef Ed Quimson
According to articles I've read in the net, Chef Ed's strong Spanish culinary background started when he was still in grade school. He learned his skills and has cultivated his taste buds right in the heart of his Lola's kitchen. While his classmates had to content themselves with cafeteria food during lunch breaks, Chef Ed is feasting on authentic Spanish cuisine lovingly prepared for him and his cousins at the mansion.
So, when an opportunity to learn a Spanish specialty dish from him came, there's no reason not to join. It was a dream come true meeting Chef Ed because I've read a lot about him. Plus, The chef seems to be a nice person. And, I've found out during the lessons that he's not only nice, he is generous also. He shared a lot of tips and secrets that you cannot read in cooking books but can only learn from an experienced chef.
The three hours intended for the 5 paella dishes transpired in a beat. I did not want the lessons to end. I still want to hear more of his stories and learn more Spanish delectable dishes from him. I was somehow in trance. Hehehe:) I didn't know if it was because of the exotic smell of saffron, or the lingering taste of the jamon serrano. But, whatever it was, I walked away from the lessons with a stomach and a heart filled with gastronomic pleasures. And I have Chef Ed to thank for!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
a simple reward
He wanted pasta, so pasta it is. He picked the ingredients. Now, it was a challenge to whip up something edible.

Spaghetti with shrimps, anchovies, etc.
It was my first time to try this recipe. I just experimented on the idea of shrimps and anchovies. And, I am happy that it turned out delicious. D was asking me to cook it again the following day. He liked it very much. DA was not saying anything but I knew that he liked it as well judging from the clean plate left on the table.
more cooking experiments to come;)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
time to bond with the kids

I'm thinking of something special to reward D's effort. Hmmm.. A special home-cooked dinner, perhaps?
Friday, September 3, 2010
i now know why
It all started September last year when Metro Manila was struck by Ondoy... life stood still... No one saw it coming. Everyone thought it was just another typhoon hitting the city. The rains did not let go, it was as if the flood gates of heaven were left open that even angels could not in their mighty powers close the gates. The downpour sank large portions of the city. People living in areas not likely to get flooded were astounded by the surprise Ondoy was bringing. Lives were taken by the dangerous floods. Electricity was out for days. Food stores were out of products to sell. The aftermath was like a scene in a war-torn hell city.
Our car was half-submerged in flood. Ooohh. Crawling insects were side by side with us as we bravely wade into the chocolatey mud-filled water inside our house. Eeeeww. That fateful September day will forever be painfully etched in our being.
It was a slow recovery for the majority of us... Our car was checked in at the Honda Casa for more than 3 months (thanks to my good friend, Baby E., for facilitating the major repairs and for keeping up with our kakulitan and impatience at times). Also, our internet connection was down at almost the same number of months. I learned from Globe that their switch boxes were heavily damaged that they need to replace them totally new. You could just imagine my agony of not being connected to the web for such a long time. Painful. Ouch!
So, when all was well and working, I lost my appetite to continue posting. And then, a lot of things happened. Summer came. School opened. And when I last checked in, it was September yet again...
mama mia, it's been a year!!!
I haven't noticed the time. It has been a year since I last posted an entry. I can't exactly recall what happened why I stopped posting but I here I am, suddenly wanting to write something, anything. To begin with, I must tell you that I'm not a professional writer so my hibernation is not something like a writer's block (hehehe, wishing...). Guess, I was just lazy...really lazy to do some mental exercises.
A lot of things happened. A lot of stories, laughters, tears, and sighs, and not to mention the many ohs, ahs, eews, awws... I hope to write about each event as I remember them.
In the meantime, I'm really happy to be back... And, I hope to stay a little bit longer.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
10 P.M. snacks: shrimp pesto pizza

Shrimp Pesto Pizza with extra cheese and grated garlic
The aromatic scent of the garlic teased his taste buds. D loves garlic, so there, the "young master" liked the taste... Ooops, actually, he loved the combination so well that he requested another 4 pizzas for his breakfast the following day... ;)
It's a bit tedious preparing the snacks but it's all worth it! "Anything for my "young master," the slave thought so submissively.
Hahaha! ;)
10 P.M. snacks


- jeng
- I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.