Friday, October 1, 2010

paella lessons from Chef Ed Quimson

What will I serve next is a niggling question indeed! So, on a Friday-holiday, I was among the eager ones who enrolled at paella lessons to be conducted by none other than the maestro of Spanish cuisine, Chef Ed Quimson at the Heny Sison Culinary School.

According to articles I've read in the net, Chef Ed's strong Spanish culinary background started when he was still in grade school. He learned his skills and has cultivated his taste buds right in the heart of his Lola's kitchen. While his classmates had to content themselves with cafeteria food during lunch breaks, Chef Ed is feasting on authentic Spanish cuisine lovingly prepared for him and his cousins at the mansion.

So, when an opportunity to learn a Spanish specialty dish from him came, there's no reason not to join. It was a dream come true meeting Chef Ed because I've read a lot about him. Plus, The chef seems to be a nice person. And, I've found out during the lessons that he's not only nice, he is generous also. He shared a lot of tips and secrets that you cannot read in cooking books but can only learn from an experienced chef.

The three hours intended for the 5 paella dishes transpired in a beat. I did not want the lessons to end. I still want to hear more of his stories and learn more Spanish delectable dishes from him. I was somehow in trance. Hehehe:) I didn't know if it was because of the exotic smell of saffron, or the lingering taste of the jamon serrano. But, whatever it was, I walked away from the lessons with a stomach and a heart filled with gastronomic pleasures. And I have Chef Ed to thank for!


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I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.