Saturday, September 4, 2010

time to bond with the kids

Family Day, na!

We were in D's school earlier than the prescribed time. Are we excited? Maybe. But more so because we were anticipating a large volume of traffic inside the school. Parking is scarce if you check-in late. Had a shared breakfast with DA at the caf. Sweet? Nah... :O

The field was sticky with mud as it rained last night. The students' collective prayer was strong enough to force the sun to come out to everybody's relief. The parade was much anticipated.
The four batches are identified through their house color. Of course, ours is definitely the color of the moment, Yellow! and sun shiny yellow at that! Yellow two-oh- one-three (2013) shirts, yellow caps, yellow fans, and some came with yellow umbrellas.

Program was short. There was a dance off among the 4 batches and a balloon relay where students, teachers, and parents participated. Yellow batch was second place over all but we were the biggest earner for the day. I heard we won first prize in another category.

The field and grandstand was for the Yellow batch for the taking after the rest of the batches proceeded to their respective areas. The Yellow students played patintero and another parent-child brainy/funny game. Lunch followed afterwards.

Card giving was scheduled at 1 pm but we got D's card earlier. Praise and thank God! No failing marks! Yahoo!:)

I'm thinking of something special to reward D's effort. Hmmm.. A special home-cooked dinner, perhaps?


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I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.