Monday, February 2, 2009

a beautiful problem

It was last friday when we learned that D passed the qualifying entrance test for Philippine Science High School. He is now qualified to enroll should he decides to.

We are still waiting for the confirmation if D also made it to the Ateneo de Manila University -High School Dept. If he makes it, he, then, has the option to enroll as well.

What a beautiful problem we might face!

We, as a family, should really pray about it. We need God's wisdom on this. We want to hear right from God. D is our only child and of course, we only want what's best for him. We want him to learn and experience a lot but not to the extent of sacrificing his joy for the things he loves doing.

Friends, please include us in your prayers. ;)

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I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.