Thursday, November 13, 2008

i was down and out

After that one hectic Saturday, its was time to slow down. Not that I intentionally wanted to but I was forced to do so because i caught a flu bug and some bad coughs.

I am not really good at providing self-medication. I always think that I won't get well unless I see a doctor. Yes, I am doctor-dependent. I always consult a doctor even for simple illnesses. Probably, I got this habit from my mother-dear who would always tell me to go and have a check-up. Good thing, my healthcard is not complaining yet.

So last Wednesday when my coughs have become so annoying, off I went to see a doctor. His recommendation was for me to get a chest x-ray and cbc after some serious inhale-exhale exercises. I finished all the doctor's request in less than an hour. Oh! That was fast. This time, I'm relieved to go home because I'm missing my bed already.

This morning, all the lab and chest x-ray results were out. But, yesterday's consultation got me worried because the doctor was so serious. I felt yesterday that I had a terrible, contagious, incurable, and what-have-you lung disease. But as I read the results, it turns out that it's just bad coughs and nothing more. I was beaming with joy. The Lord is indeed my great doctor.

What have I learned from this? A lot I should say... ;)

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I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.