Friday, December 12, 2008

"a star is born"

December 6, was the play date of "A Star is Born," a school production directed by D's English and Tree-atro teacher. The cast is composed mainly of tree-atro members.
D was the narrator.

It was actually a musical play.
The children did a lot of singing and dancing.

Hubby and I watched the play twice. The message was simple yet it rocked my inner spirit. In this day and age, one can easily be sidetracked by the material things that surround us. And, with the onset of global economic crisis, one can readily forget the true reason why we celebrate christmas. It is not an accident, in my opinion, why christmas is called christmas. The first six letters shout out loud its true essence -- CHRIST.

I hope this christmas season, whether in austerity or extravagance, Christ will take the center stage of all our celebrations. After all, He is the greatest STAR to be born here on earth.

Peace to all!;)

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I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.