Sunday, April 26, 2009

the force of the blogging universe

I always hear myself saying, "you should blog this, you should blog that," yet I can't even drag myself to open my PC... The earlier I should admit that my brain also took a summer break, may probably lessen the guilt I always feel whenever I remember special events that happened recently.

Yes, D has already graduated. He has celebrated with his friends and teachers. He has attended the school retreat. He is already enrolled to his chosen high school. And, he is done with his summer basketball clinic... while, me.. I'm still stuck with second week of March and April is already ending...

Ya, I know, I have a lot of catching up to do... I just wish that the force of the blogging universe is stronger than the utterly irresistible call of my 6 pillows... Apparently, I always give in to the latter.

See you.... ZzzzzzZzZzzz =)

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I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.