Monday, April 27, 2009

drama queen

It was a rollercoaster of emotions for the month of March. I was in a retrospection mode awhile ago and it hit me. I was truly, deeply, madly emotional last month.. Hahaha... I didn't know that I was capable of becoming a drama queen... and i think, i have a future in the tears production department. But on second thoughts, I'd rather be assigned to the make-me-laugh department because I find it easy to laugh than to cry.

Maybe you are wondering why i was in a drama. Sorry, I am not telling. Only two people were fortunate enough to know the real score. I literally shed buckets of tears and I spent four crazy nights forcing the blackout curtains to let the outside light pass through them. Crazy, ludicrous, absurd, whatever you wish to call it, but hey, I was feeling the feelings that time so I allowed myself to wallow in hopelessness.

Looking back now, I say... yes, it was a rare episode of complete and utter foolishness. But, why do we subject ourselves to such silliness? Why do we adversely react to a situation when we don't know the whole story? Well, in my recent experience, I didn't have the time to process events, people, and things. I was so engrossed with things that I forgot to become rational. Unfounded worries got the best of me. So, there, I succumb to the pressure of the situation. I cried day and night...

I later learned that my hypotheses were all without basis. I was so blinded to believe that the fate of one is basically the same as the next person beside him. I did not trust completely. I was consumed with all the negative things hanging inside my head. All the what ifs and buts filled my body and soul. I did not put my trust on The One who is in control of everything. Wrong perspective, I belatedly admitted.

I do not wish this to happen to anyone... but then again, I may wish to go through the same experience, if only to gain a heart of wisdom...

Cry your heart out if the moment calls for it, and laugh out loud while you still can. Life is short, enjoy it. ;)

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I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.