Saturday, January 31, 2009

lazy january

I am guilty, yes, I really am!

My trusty computer caught a virus and it took ages before it was healed. It had to be reformatted several times before I can confidently use it again. I am afraid that saved files might get corrupted. Thanks to my bro-in-law who patiently, like a doctor, administered the curing meds. Now, I am back with a smile on my face... I missed posting... Got a lot of issues and pictures to post. I just hope I can remember all.

So starting tomorrow and onwards, I hope to be a diligent blogger.

Wait for my posts... Tomorrow! ;)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


My photo
I'm Jeng, a HOMEmaker by choice. Through the years, I have learned to embrace this segment of my life so well that I cannot imagine doing something else.